We visit our local library pretty much every week. We are blessed to live near a very nice facility!
Reading just 10 hours earns each child a FREE BOOK of their choice. This is a really great opportunity to not only encourage reading but to practice allowing you child to have the power and freedom to choose their own book without suggestion from you. I recall my youngest child a couple years ago wanting to pick a book way below her 'reading level' and me trying to push her toward one that was more 'age appropriate'. This did not go over well, she wanted it to be her choice and did not enjoy me fighting her over it. I dropped it, let her pick on her own and since then will never interject my opinion on what book anybody should choose.
An article I read recently discussed the importance of letting your child choose books at a lower level if they wish. It not only builds familiarity but it teaches them that reading is fun and joyful! I also feel that the instant gratification of working toward a goal builds crucial life long skills. Simply read every day until those 10 hours are reached and earn your prize! Just like the real world... work 40 hours at your job and the prize is your paycheck ;)
We just checked out the Reading program offered by Barnes & Noble and will try it out this year! Our big chain bookstore is in the next town over, in our mall. I don't generally buy books nor go to the mall so you can see how we haven't attempted this one before. To participate simply print out the Reading Journal and have your child read 8 books, fill out the information including author and their favorite part! A great way to get in some deep thinking as well as handwriting practice. Read more about it HERE
Two great opportunities to earn free books simply by reading! Hope your kids enjoy these programs as much as mine are!
Kitsap Regional Library printable log is HERE
Barnes & Noble printable Journal HERE
Now remember to actually take your children in to claim those free books, schedule it if needed... following through is as important as the project is itself! Life long skills are being created now. Enjoy summer!