Friday, July 6, 2018

Tide Ultra Stain Release Review

how will it preform? 

My Tide Ultra Stain Release came!

I received a 37 ounce bottle in the Original scent.  To me it smells clean and maybe a little like blue flowers, not overpowering, just nice.  The detergent is HE safe and this bottle promises to wash 19 loads of laundry!

I tried it out on my yard work clothes...  it seems to work great!  I have a lot of old set in stains on my work jeans but anything new came right out!

This scent made my hubby happy, he loves this sort of product.  I prefer a more natural scented detergent, so this will be his!  Cant wait to see how it preforms on his smelly exercise clothes :)

I rate this product with a thumbs-up!  It gets new dirt and stains out wonderfully!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Safeway Bargains

Use that Just 4 U program on the Safeway site...  it is fantastic if you are trying to cut your grocery budget.  Supplementing with free, and nearly free, food this month has allowed us to save SO MUCH toward our goal.  I plan to keep this up as much as possible all summer!


This bunch was $3.50, the ice-cream was a splurge of course, my family loves treats and at just over a dollar i could justify it!  I actually used one 'real' paper coupon here, making the hot dogs free...  not something i would normally buy, but will make fun summer lunches for the kiddos.


This group contains a few free coupons so i only paid for the bread and cereal.  $1.97 total!


More cheap bread, and these flavorless eggs will only be used for baking (my hens are not laying enough for all our needs right now) and this trip cost me $2.67!

I have saved SO much this month it is unbelievable.  While I did sacrifice quality on a lot of my shopping trips I do supplement with a lot of home-grown organic greens and as much 'health food' as possible, pantry is stocked with organic oats, brown rice, etc!

Friday, June 15, 2018

$2 pizza and Commissary clearance

and i only went in for garlic...

Fresh garlic was on my list...  an opportunity to visit our Commissary and see what i can find!

No Spend update & HUGE mid-month savings!

my favorite, early morning quiet spot. 
Half way through this no-spend month...  i did end up spending a tiny bit more..  mainly on that darn produce, boy we eat a LOT of it!

Thursday, June 7, 2018

No-Spend update: $189 spent

Our Pantry Challange is going great!  Surprised?   Yes, I have spent $189 so far on groceries and we are only on DAY 9!!!   If this continues we will be....  actually, way ahead of the game!

My pantry challange is more relaxed than it used to be, my kids eat SO. MUCH. MORE. and feeding our pets is not something that can wait, and I buy them quality food which is not super cheap...

PLUS, a few pricy things we cannot 'live' without, such a coconut oil and stevia somehow ALL ran out at the same time this week!  Of course they did!  Chickens eat a LOT of food too...  little stinkers!

So, where did i spend all this money?  Heres where....

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

35,000 prizes from Dominoes!

Those are the kind of odds i like!  Simply sign up  HERE to get the notice that the giveaway has begun!  I have done this in the past and was super slow to respond, but this time I aim to be quicker, wanna get those kiddos some free pizza!  ;)

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Freezer Chicken Tikka Masala

I am supposed to be doing the Pantry Challange but when i see chicken breast marked down to $1.04lb i buy 10lbs!  because that deal is too darn good to pass up.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Safeway deals!

Its been a long time since I have gone into Safeway...  and Im so glad I did!  We got the sale ad in the mail just the other day and I thought to myself 'this is a great way to save money, self!'.   Grapes were on sale for only $1.49lb!!!  Even the Commissary sells them for double that!  That was enough of a bargain to get me in there....

I logged-on to the Safeway website to be sure my Rewards Card was up to date and discovered the digital coupon section.  I simply clicked on the ones I wanted to use and they magically went to my Rewards card.  Something amazing I noticed were coupons made JUST FOR ME to get something free (or nearly free)!  Seriously?  I actually thought it was too good to be true...  but tried it anyway of course!

Thursday, May 31, 2018

June Pantry Challenge, 3 Easy Steps!

Its time!  Time to have a fresh start and begin a No-Spend month including a Pantry Challenge!

What is a pantry challenge?  Im glad you asked!  A pantry challenge is simply using every little bit of food in your house before buying more.  Easy!

Some are concerned this may be counterproductive, like, ‘but then I will have to buy double groceries next month!!!’  Generally that is not the case.  Eating everything in your house means digging into that bag of lentils you were never going to use....  and all that whole wheat flour you have is going to become bread for your childrens lunches!  Major $$$ savings!

Just 3 easy steps...

Monday, May 21, 2018

Brooder Project for Baby Chicks! Totally re-purposed!

Raising baby chicks is so much fun!  They also tend to grow fast, get messy and stinky quick!  Space is optimal, as is security.

Ive been wanting to build a practical and sturdy chick brooder for quite some time and was able to use a very old wood kitchen cabinet leftover from a barn remodel!  (my moms- not mine!)

This thing had been sitting in an open but covered shed for about 10 years, it had a previous life as a kitchen cabinet!  Its possible it was built in the 60s...  or 80s?  Hard to tell...  the original dwelling is well over 100 years old...  so, who knows!  Super sturdy, solid wood, perfect!

Think it would make a great brooder?  I was confident!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Kimchi- Costcos organic vegan version

I got the huge tub of Kimchi at Costco and was...  very underwhelmed :-/

Whats a girl to do? Fix it!

I dumped the whole dang thing out, chopped it smaller and added only 3 ingredients.  Fish sauce, ginger oil and Sambal Oleek.  Roughly a couple Tbs of the hot peppers and fish sauce, a drop or 2 of ginger, i did this to my personal taste, no recipe.

Now it has some taste and this big jug isn't a waste!  Sometimes its a little work to save money, or rather, not waste it, but so worth it!