Friday, July 6, 2018

Tide Ultra Stain Release Review

how will it preform? 

My Tide Ultra Stain Release came!

I received a 37 ounce bottle in the Original scent.  To me it smells clean and maybe a little like blue flowers, not overpowering, just nice.  The detergent is HE safe and this bottle promises to wash 19 loads of laundry!

I tried it out on my yard work clothes...  it seems to work great!  I have a lot of old set in stains on my work jeans but anything new came right out!

This scent made my hubby happy, he loves this sort of product.  I prefer a more natural scented detergent, so this will be his!  Cant wait to see how it preforms on his smelly exercise clothes :)

I rate this product with a thumbs-up!  It gets new dirt and stains out wonderfully!