Ahhh, back from a lovely family vacation and time to jump into savings mode again. Our brief pause from paying off debt was very much needed after working extremely hard on our goal for SOO many years.
While we had money set aside for our trip, of course, a couple HUGE surprise expenses popped up this month as well. We ran out of propane earlier than calculated (cost of $800) and hubby needed a business suit for job interviews a month earlier than expected, being that he is super tall he must shop specialty, seriously, even Macys can't fit him, oy! He did get a BOGO sale of some type at Mens Warehouse... but $1,200 was more than we had budgeted. Those better be some dang good looking suits.
With $2k to make up this month i am NOT messing around :-p
An intense inventory session of our pantry and freezer proved that we nearly have enough to feed us dinner ALL month long. I will need to get produce along the way as well as breakfast and lunch foods. See, only the 26th has a question mark on it!
A trip to Safeway to hit up the bargains proved a wise decision. Of course I matched sales up with Ibotta, wrote an extremely specific shopping list and only spent $19 on tons of good food! Much of this will last all week! Some highlights are these bacon wrapped steaks for only $2.40, Silks new oat milk at $1 and some great dairy free yogurts for my oldest. Oh, and the mushrooms were free! On occasion the Safeway app has a freebie, and produce is my favorite kind. Ahh, yes, I did get eggs. They are for me to make my Trim Healthy Mama lunch quiches, don't worry, my children won't eat these nasty cheap ones ;)
Heres to a nearly no-spend month! I'll check back in periodically and share my recipes as well!
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