Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Saving $5,000 on your period....

Did you know women spend an average of $120 a year on period related protection?

$6.79 per box at, at 9 boxes of tampons per year: $61.11
$7.99 per package of maxi pads at, at 7 packages a year: $59.43

Women on average menstruate for 40 years (taking into account that some women have children), so each woman spends approximately $5,600 on her period over her lifetime. 

Prefer natural and organic because you don't like the reaction from nasty chemicals in and on your body?  Prepare to pay nearly double that!

Cloth pads are easy, better for your body and so much cheaper!  Women say using natural cloth over time reduces cramping and shortens periods.  For about $50 (or more) you can get a full stash of cloth pads that will last you years and years and years.  What would YOU do with the extra $5,000???

Its an easy choice, and with so many cute options, its a fun choice too!

Better for you, better for the environment and a huge money saver!  Why would you not?  

Check mine out on etsy here and let me know what you think!  

Do you already use some??  I'd love to hear about it!


  1. I have been using cloth for about 4 months now. It takes a little getting use too (I was strictly a tampon girl), and some experimenting to see what size and shape you like/need but it's so much nicer than disposables.

  2. I have been using cloth for about 4 months now. It takes a little getting use too (I was strictly a tampon girl), and some experimenting to see what size and shape you like/need but it's so much nicer than disposables.

  3. awesome! and they are so much cuter ;)
