Todays task is to remove those temptations.
We wouldn't ask an alcoholic to get healthy with a house full of vodka would we? So it is not fair to expect you to restrain yourself with an inbox full of emails from your favorite stores with promises of happiness and bargains.
1) emails: unsubscribe from all shopping possibilities
2) regular mail... a few stores still do this, Bath & Body Works, etc. If these coupons are a temptation remove yourself
3) shopping for fun... just stop. at this point you do not *need* new underwear or kitchen items. Use what you have and make do. Broken can opener? ask around for a free one. What are the chances you go to buy a replacement and end up with something else too? $20 that could have gone to debt.
4) grocery shopping: when you do go you will have a hand-written list AND a snack before you do to stop hunger-induced splurges.
5) social media: this one is HUGE and we do not even realize it. Constant ads quietly encouraging us to spend money. Limiting is best, followed by purposefully filling it with emotionally beneficial content. Follow every Dave Ramsey page you can find.. and for fun add in some minimalism or workout topics, healthy eating or easy recipes, crafts or cute animal pages.
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