Saturday, February 7, 2015

What do I do with 14lbs of chicken.....

Ran to the Military Commissary and for the first time in my 15 years of shopping there I saw discounted chicken!  So, yeah, I got 14 lbs!

That is sure a lot of fresh chicken.  At only $1.49 per pound I couldn't say no!  It was worth dipping to next paychecks grocery allotment.

I decided the only way to do this successfully was to do it all now.  I took it all out of the packages, rinsed it throughly and divvied it up.  Some I sliced and some I didn't.  

Tonight for dinner we are having crockpot-shredded mushroom chicken over pasta, I pretty much just made that up, but Im sure it will be great!  Tomorrow in my bigger crockpot I have possibly too much chicken all ready for Wild Rice Chicken soup.  Later this evening Im going to cook up that smaller dish of honey-dijon chicken which will be perfect for lunches, or maybe for dinner monday!

At my house I cannot turn my back on meat for even one second.  My elderly 4 pound cat is vicious hunter and will do whatever it takes to catch himself some meat.  Oh, Norman!


Obviously the chicken was marked down because its going to expire soon.  What I don't cook by morning I packaged up, and with the help of a little girl I got a big handful of meals ready for the freezer!  These are very simple, meat only preparations which will be so quick and easy to throw in with a veggies and a whole grain for a fast dinner!

It hardly took any time to do this and the financial savings as well as the time savings are huge!

What do you do to save time on meal prep???

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