Monday, April 13, 2015

Menu Plan Monday; Candida Diet Style

My youngest has been showing small signs of yeast overgrowth for a long time, something she struggled with since birth...  I took an anti-biotic late in pregnancy and they generally cause this issue.....

Long story short, I think it would do my whole family some good to do an anti-yeast diet all week!

Breakfasts will be:
hard boiled eggs
poached eggs
Muesli like this here
unsweetened almond milk
plain oat meal with diced apple
yogurt with stevia

Lunches will be:
tuna (made with lemon and oil)
sliced veggies
brown rice
sautéed veggies
roasted chicken

Items to bake/make:
Coconut Muffins
Coconut & Almond no-bake balls
Coconut Lemon Bombs
Chocolate Cubes
lacto fermented ketchup (yes, thats a thing ;) )

celery w/ almond butter
baked items as above
pumpkin & sunflower seeds

Our Candida Diet Menu

Chicken Curry Crockpot (freezer meal)
Brown Rice

Cabbage Soup (freezer Meal)

Stir Fry
veggies, chicken
Brown Rice

Lentil Soup

burgers with homemade ketchup  
maybe make or get a yeast free bread for buns.... 

Saturday and Sunday
make healthy soups from my 'Healthy and Tasty Anti-Yeast Cooking' book

Heres to a healthy week!  Like me on Facebook and I will love you forever!

want to see more menus?  check out OrgJunkie!


  1. Bravo to you for taking the initiative to correct health through diet and not prescriptions!

    Are you sure it is yeast overgrowth and not another type of dysbiosis? People with candida overgrowth will have thick white or yellowish fuzz on the tongue. Juicing some antibacterial herbs like thyme (very useful), basil, oregano (for fungus), mint, turmeric, honeysuckle flower might also be helpful. Goldenseal is pretty invaluable for breaking up biofilms as well, but is pretty pricy. Bacterial dysbiosis is a difficult problem to reverse and has to be attacked pretty hard with fermented foods and antibacterial protocol otherwise it tends to come right back. Some protocols for treating lyme disease use very good biofilm disruptors:

    Hope this was helpful. I am struggling with bacterial dysbiosis/undergrowth right now and know how frustrating it can be.

    1. wow! that is interesting, I will be looking in to it! i am not 100% certain it is yeast, she just shows mild symptoms like dandruff spots on her scalp that appear almost crusty and yeast like as well as pretty much always having white flaky in her ears that always comes back... as a baby she had yeast infection issues due to the antibiotic.. but I figured some heavy duty probiotics and a no-sugar no-yeast diet will only be helpful for her (and all of us too ;) ) She is only 4 years old so I am also very careful about what I put in her... I bet I could juice a tiny bit of oregano and add it to her food and she wouldn't mind at all! Good luck with your struggle, it sure sounds like a tough one! Dont give up :)

  2. It sounds like she is very dry in nature? Her tongue would have some horizontal cracks in it if this is the case and she would benefit from moist types of foods like seaweed.
    However yeast likes damp moist environments and if your doctor confirmed a previous yeast infection, then you are probably right that she still has it :) Oregano might be a bit too strong tasting to juice. I like thyme a lot better personally. Foods like pesto, homemade curry paste, and homemade pasta sauce are great ways to load herbs into the diet. Would you like me to help you any further? I am not a doctor, but have self studied herbs and chinese traditional medicine for several years now. I have a few years of experience helping myself and friends with health issues.
    I wouldn't charge you of course since I would just be offering health advice. I would love to see what I can do to help, I really enjoy talking to people about home remedies. I have a facebook page I maintain with herbal information:

    No pressure! Just wanted to offer. I love empowering others with traditional medicine and health knowledge. It is so encouraging to know that we can prevent disease without medication.
