Wednesday, April 8, 2015

My progress...

A plan, a team and support.  

I started my journey back to health last December, right before Christmas.  While I take credit for this success I could not have done it without my Team.

Its been a number of months since I last tried on this casual blazer.  Putting it on today I was beyond shocked at how baggy it was!  It used to be tight on me.  Crazy.

Its crazy because it feels too easy.  I don't starve, I still let myself have special treats, my favorite foods and my beloved wine.  But now I am healthier, I have TONS of energy and I feel so happy about my body.

The recipe is easy:  health and fitness.  But not just any workout and not just 'any' healthy.  A specific plan designed to work for my body and my busy schedule.  Most important?  My Coach to keep me accountable and to check up on me!

Remember where I was when I started?  My clothes were not comfortable on my body, I had zero energy and I just didn't know where to go from there.  I bought a simple program, gained a free Coach and lifelong skills.

Now I get to help others in their Journey.  What a dream!  Keep in touch and ask my about my next Challenge Group and what it takes to get your own success!

My Facebook Page is HERE, another resource for you!

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