I have been making toothpaste and toothpowder's for years. I think I have found the perfect combo of tooth whitening and health benefits while still tasting good. Yes, this stuff is Husband Approved! We like to put the term 'magic' in front of many things in our house, it just makes them more special. And after you read the benefits you too will think this stuff is magical!
-Clay is amazing, it sucks impurities and toxins out of most porous materials and is a gentle cleaner. Bentonite and Kaolin and the top 2 with these great properties. Bentonite is better as it has a higher mineral content.
-Baking Soda is a great scrubber, it can help to remove plaque and stains quickly and easily! It is great for ph balance, naturally alkaline it is ideal to balance and keep us healthy.
-Calcium powder provides calcium and magnesium to help remineralize teeth!!!
-Xylitol is widely used in Europe and we can find it here in the US if we put effort into it, its popularity is growing here. Its been shown to prevent and even reverse cavities- many of the top natural toothpaste companies use it. Xylitol is also a great sweetener!
-Salt is an excellent antiseptic, it is key for a healthy mouth. Be certain you are using pure mineral-rich sea salt, or another rich source, generic 'salt' found in your grocer may indeed be chemically processed and technically be sodium, not real salt. Mineral rich salt is very beneficial for your mouth.
-Activated Charcoal is powerful stuff! Blacker than black this amazing powder is a serious toxin sponge. It pulls chemicals and toxins and adheres them to itself, so if you were to swallow activated charcoal you would pass all the bad stuff right through! Its amazing medical claims date back hundreds of years.
-Witch Hazel is amazing for gum health! It fights inflammation and promotes healing, another natural antiseptic.
-Essential oils all have their own amazing properties, which ever you use to flavor your toothpaste is up to you! I used spearmint in this recipe, peppermint is another favorite of mine.
My simple recipe can be as basic or as complex as you would like it to be! The main ingredients you will need to make this work are the 1) clay and 2) witch hazel (or water would work here but has a shorter shelf-life of a couple weeks). When you are certain to have these ingredients you can skip any of the others as needed! Simple!
I made this batch to fit one of those sample-sized tubes you get free from the dentist. I cut the back end off the tube and wash it well. I use a bag-tie thing to seal the end(got these at Ikea years ago but I'm sure they can be found anywhere now). How about that! Your toothpaste is not only healthy but frugal too! No need to buy a fancy holder! You can also put this in a little jar if you wish- it would be best to scoop it out each time as to not contaminate it though!
Magic Toothpaste
makes less than 1 ounce, roughly enough to fill a sample sized tube.
4tsp Kaolin Clay
2tsp calcium (i used about 3 cal-mag pills from my vitamin stash)
2 tsp xylitol
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp activated charcoal
2-3 tsp witch hazel
15 drops essential oil
Important first rule is to use NO metal tools. Get out your glass, plastic and silicone for this recipe. Clays and charcoal react and/or pull metals from those items depending. You will also need a pestle and mortar to grind up your xylitol, calcium pills(unless you have powdered calcium) and your salt.
Carefully put all dry ingredients into a non-metal container and mix well. Add your witch hazel and drops of essential oils on top of it. Carefully stir. Add more liquid as needed or more clay until you get a consistency you like.
Simply spoon your toothpaste into your container and seal with your bag clip! Voilà!