Wednesday, March 4, 2015

day 3: free haircut

Heading into Day 3 I knew I had to visit Costco.  Produce was really low and our poultry was too.  

Last summer when we did a no-spend month we just sucked it up and lived on beans and rice and pasta and homemade breads.....  and what other home-made carbs can I add to this list?  I know I gained a few pounds that summer and didn't have much energy.  We are not willing to go to that extreme this time, trying to focus on our health as well....  its a tough balance!

round it up to $54

I stuck to my list, focused on the bottom dollar and didn't not get suckered by a single impulse buy!

As an added bonus we went after lunchtime and my preschooler got to sample foods on nearly every isle!  She nearly got an entire meal out of the trip!

When I discovered we had an extra 20 minutes to burn before getting big sis from school I found myself racking my brain in attempt to find free ways to use it....  Starbucks was out- so was going into a fun store...  with the temps in the 50s I decided we would bundle up and run around outside playing 'follow the leader'.  It was free, she LOVED it and it was great exercise!  Win-win!

I have recently been struggling with the preschoolers hair and knew it was time for a cut.  Yesterday we had plenty of time, so I put on a show for her to watch and took care of it myself!  I took nearly 2 inches off and thinned it like crazy!  This girl was blessed with hair!

before and after! 

I actually don't watch much TV so never did have the opportunity to see these CreaClip infomercials...  but I did stumble upon it one time and decided it was worth the investment.  During our get-out-of-debt summer I obviously cut haircuts from our budget.  This silly tool, plus quality hair shears AND nice thinning shears, I am able to keep the kids and myself out of the salon!  This easily saves between $20-50 per use!

My whopping Costco bill sure set our spending ticker up, but hopefully I can make this last a couple weeks!  Saving money on the haircut is crucial, and I like thinking that my little girl got to enjoy some pretty yummy treats at no additional cost while grocery shopping with me.  

Total Spent: $54

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