Saturday, March 14, 2015

Ive come a Long way on this journey!

The past year has been full of changes for me.  Maybe its the fact that my children *nearly* sleep through the night now and I once again can think with a clear head.  Maybe its just getting older.  Maybe its my new life as a mom and property owner, we've been stationed here for almost 10 years now and are truly a part of the community now.

I don't know.  But I like it.
3 months of work! birthdays, wine and Christmas, no starving, only fun to get these results!

Wondering what the cultish following was all about, I jumped on the Beachbody bandwagon just to give it a try in December and will never look back.

so many inches of fat gone for good! 

I am a health nut at heart, I love being moderately fit and healthy.  Staying home to be a full time mom seemed to make taking care of myself impossible.  I cannot ignore my kids to get long workouts in.  We did not have money for me to go to a gym, especially not when I would have to add child care into that cost!  Being on a tight budget I was eating a lot of pastas and homemade white breads, beans and grains.

I was tired all the time and started slowly gaining weight back after I stopped breastfeeding.  Darn it.

It was time to kick it in gear.  I needed help, knowledge, education and guidance!

I got the 21 Day Fix package and loved every single thing about it.  The food containers made prepping my meals effortless.  Nothing I needed to remember, no calculations and NO STARVING.  Im a food girl.  I love good food, I adore cooking and I refuse to starve!

The shake I was so very skeptical of.  How on earth could this expensive item be any better than all the other shakes I have tried?  Well, now I know.  You get what you pay for and this stuff must be golden!  Long term energy, every day.  I no longer care about sweets and sugar AT. ALL.  Did I mention how delicious Shakeology is?  Yeah, its that good!  The superfood thing is not a fad, health and nutrition IS NOT A FAD its a way of life.  Eating well and being healthy should be everyones passion.
i workout in my kitchen, sometimes in my tiny living room and ALWAYS with a child or animal hanging off of me!

Now, I do my 30 minute workouts about 5 days a week.  I eat healthy most of the time.  If I fall off track I bring out my Fix containers for a little reminder.  I enjoy cake during birthday celebrations, nachos when I need a spicy treat and wine when I feel like celebrating!  (getting through an entire day of motherhood IS INDEED a reason to celebrate, btw)

i am on the smallest food plan.  i enjoy lots of healthy foods all day..  and sometimes chocolate and wine!

I have lost so much fat and gained so much muscle.  I feel good, no, i feel FANTASTIC!  I feel awesomely fantastically phenomenal.

a healthy and happy mommy of 2.  i am proud of my body and all my hard work!
I now enjoy Coaching others on their own journeys to health.  It is the best job in the world!  Living a healthy lifestyle and encouraging others to do so!

I Coach groups nearly every week of every month now.  Ask me how you can be in my next group!

Follow me on Facebook for healthy inspiration and to see how far I can go!

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