Saturday, January 31, 2015

23 Intense ways to SAVE TONS OF MONEY for an already Frugal Household

Do you already like to save money?  A smart shopper, maybe you are a great re-user and don't buy disposable items either, you may buy in bulk and cook from scratch.  Prefer to buy your clothing gently used? Yes!  Drive an old paid-off car and don't eat out?  Us too!

I grew up being very poor/frugal.  I know how to do it.  When hubby and I were in our 20s and before children we had TWO incomes for the two of us.  If only we know how financially rich we were at that time!

Now, years later, we own a home on property, 2 cars and are a family of FOUR on one single income.  Life is different now.  We live frugal to keep this lifestyle.  I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

We have been hit with a bit of a double-whammy this month.  First off, we are considering adding on to our small home!  Well, actually, the process has begun...  but we now only need money.  Gotta save ever single penny.  A fun surprise in car repairs ALSO hit us this month, over 4 thousand dollars of repairs needed on my older car.  That is a LOT of money.  Darn luck.

I immediately go back into 'Ultra-Frugal Crazy-Lady' mode.  We can do this.  We will, and we can!

How many more ways to save money can I think of...  and QUICK!

Here are 23 INTENSE, extra frugal ways we save money- they work and they save a TON!

1) Meal Plan.  Every dinner for every day.  No excuses.

2) Zero Eating Out.  1x a month date night will be saved exclusively for gift-cards.

3) Sprouts!  grow sprouts- I have tons of seeds! Perfect for winter on my kitchen counter.  Google it.  Such a cheap way to keep fresh organic greens in your diet every day!

4) Consign.  Instead of donating everything my girls grow out of I will consign or eBay the quality stuff- then use that money toward new/used clothing and shoes for them.

5) No more toys.  For the kiddos- no more extra fun splurges or purchases outside of our allowed spending envelope.  My children are my weakness.

6) Cash envelope system.  Revamp it, and stick to it.  We have been slack since the holidays...

7) Planning my driving trips.  I will only head into 'town' with a plan in mind.  No more trips out for one store, driving the kids 3x a day uses enough gas as is!

8) Bulk Cooking.  Make more freezer meals and Pantry Meals when I get discounted foods.

9) Use my silly point-earning on-line programs more.  Those free gift cards and credits add up! (i will talk about those soon)

10) Get out my sewing machine.  Repair torn clothing and bedding instead of buying new.

11) Enlist my children to be 'Power Watchers'.  Have them help keep lights and heat off in rooms we are not in.

12) Baking snacks. Healthy cookies in big batches for the freezer= easy, fast treats and breakfasts.  Treats in the home make my family feel like we are not cutting back on everything.

13) Cut our own hair. Its easy to do trims with long hair, and free!  Ask a friend to help!

14) Cancel cable again.  May not happen- with terrible internet service Netflix doesn't work out here, something worth discussing with the family again, fingers crossed they agree.

15) Amazon Wishlist.  Anything we want, need or desire will go on our wishlist.  Then we can 'think about it' instead of buying it or wait until birthdays or Christmas.

16) Prepare meals and be insightful about having easy lunches for spouse to bring to work EVERY DAY = zero eating out.

17) Fridge Patrol.  Make a sign and post it to survey the fridge 2x per week and freeze any leftovers that may spoil.  I strive for zero food waste.

18) Discount Groceries.  Shop only at discount chains, Costco, Grocery Outlet, etc.  Plan my meals on my bargains.

19) Take advantage of local Free Groups.  Buy Nothing, Freecycle, etc may have what we need.  Remember to give back too!

20) Use our Library.  Free books, movies and media.  Plus it double as a fun free activity for the kiddos.

21) Beverages.  Drink water, its (nearly) free.  Pre-plan our beverage budget as they are technically splurges and NOT at all necessary.  Set a weekly budget for: juice, coffee, alcohol, beer, etc

22) Stay Home!  The biggest money saver.  Make your home a place you WANT to spend time in.  Staying here is practically free. Explore your yard/neighborhood.  Play games, puzzles, read and write.  Cook, sing, sew...  imagine the possibilities!

23) Be Healthy.  Taking care of your body, exercising, eating quality, whole foods will help to keep away illness.  Less illness means less doctor bills and nearly zero medicine expense.

What do you do to save money when life is already frugal?  Let me hear them!

Like me on Facebook too, we have lots of great ideas and discussions there!

1 comment:

  1. These are great tips, but is it sad that I don't consider these to be all that extreme? :x I've been doing almost all of them for the past several years, hahaha. Maybe I've just gotten super used to it!
