Sunday, January 25, 2015

My journey to health and fitness continues...

This week marks Month #2 with my journey.  I have learned so much!  I feel I now have the knowledge and skills to keep this up easily.  This now is a total lifestyle change and I LOVE IT!  The best part?  Its easy and hardly changes a thing in my daily life.....

I started on the 1st of December, less than 2 months ago.

I worked so hard those first couple weeks then took 'a break' while we flew across the country to celebrate a long Christmas holiday in style.  I knew I would be indulging more than necessary,  I just wanted to have fun and not feel deprived!  Right?  I did workout a few times, but did not bring my Shakeology, I didn't want to waste it!  I admit that I ate quite unhealthy and over-stuffed myself for the entire 2 weeks.  I didn't have much energy and found sugars and caffeine to help keep me going.

I had given myself permission before the trip even started to totally loose control and let my new knowledge go.  I look back now, another month has gone by, and I realize that I didn't yet have the TRUE knowledge, this new healthy lifestyle was NOT a lifestyle yet.   Two and a half weeks was NOT indeed enough time to make this me.

I just finished up with my 2nd round of The 21 Day Fix.  I feel now that this healthy lifestyle is PART of me.  After weighing in and taking measurements and CELEBRATING this morning I went right to my healthy breakfast.  I didn't even want to splurge on junk or empty calories this morning.  WHAT?!?!?  I now know how it feels to start my day healthy and I don't want anything else!

I also had not realized how amazing the nutrient-superfood-packed Shakeology was for my energy and to help fulfill my dietary needs so I didn't have those DANG food cravings.  I am actually thankful that I went a couple weeks without it because now I know how important is truly is for my success, every single day.

This is now part of me, my lifestyle and I couldn't be happier!!!

Did I tell you that I am now a Beachbody Coach?  Being in these wonderful supportive groups WITH the simple Beachbody programs is something I need to do for myself.  Eating healthy and squeaking in 30 minutes of exercise AT HOME every day is now part of my life.  I want to encourage YOU- lets do this together!!!

Did you know I can be YOUR Coach?  Its totally, 100% Free.  Just GO HERE to my website and in the middle of the page you will see 'join', click that, and if you prefer the free membership just keep your eyes to the Right side of the page and click that button!

I think if I can manage to be successful with this program then YOU can too!  I WANT to help you, encourage you and see you succeed too!  Let me be your cheerleader :)  Feeling great is the best life!

Want to learn MORE about The 21 Day Fix?  THIS LINK HERE will pull up all my blog posts about it- food, exercise- everything!

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